Thursday 13 October 2011


These are development screens of the interface from the feedback that i received during the last class. I wanted to keep the main page being the welcome button as it seemed very fitting for the type of appeal i wanted to generate. 

This is screen shows a new development i wanted to create being the Forecast-a-tron. This idea was developed from the old school television set and suites the idea being very 1950s democratic america.

This screen is of the new feature i wanted to create in the interface being the graphing and notification's of how the user is saving each week, month and how much they are saving.

This screen shows how i wanted to re-create the sort of animation feel that my precedent generated for my interface. I feel as though the screen dosent show my idea as much but is sufficient enough for this part of the process. I wanted to make an actual sky  ceiling but had many difficulties doing so.

Thursday 29 September 2011


The feedback that i got was very helpful in the development of my process as i got advice in these areas:
- i needed to target an audience for my interface so they could be influenced by the energy saving device
- the interface needed to help the user not hinder them so i got a suggestion to add graphs
- the interface needed to look better and more appealing to the user
- how would the interface work with a certain user base


The target audience i wanted to relate to was a more family environment or for mature adults that are concerned about how much they are saving and how they are saving it. I pictured in my head when developing this idea a more male demographic as the idea was very different and i felt unsure how it would relate to everyone.


My main precedent that i want to take into my whole interface is the idea of a FUTURAMA the ironic industrial development of America. This idea is seen in the game fallout which features many classical ideas that i enjoyed whilst playing the game. These ideas are of the influence that Richard Nixon had on the american way of living and how they developed there nation into an industrial and a futuristic standard of living.


These images are of the development process i went through putting them through photoshop then into flash.

Sunday 11 September 2011

DSDN112 assignment2 storyboard

My idea is to create an energy efficient interface that helps save on energy consumption within homes. The users of the interface are targeted to be designed into the future as the technology needed is very advanced a sort of artificial intelligence. The reason why I choose to design this sort of idea is based on the times when the users have left to go to work or on a trip away for the weekend and can check or get notified if their house is using un-necessary energy.

The idea had to have a sort of punishment or reward system that would help enforce the users to actually take energy consumption seriously. Creating an adapting artwork that coincides with the consumption of energy was an idea to force the punishment in a unique experience. The artwork would be connected to the interface and response to the use of energy by reflecting either positively or negatively. The colours of the artwork will reflect negative power use by using red and dark colours and positive by using bluish bright colours, a sort of light show that is interactive.

The interface is designed to connect to the power the appliances and lighting of the house. To explain what happens when for example a light is left on, the interface will pick up when the user is home and slowly dims the light meaning that there was negative energy consumption. The artwork would reflect this as it will be red flouriest lighting. The user will relise what has happened and tries to save energy consumption to get the artwork back to normal or back into the positive.

Storyboard of the proposal

DSDN112 assignment2 Ideas

These are the images of what i have been brainstorming ideas and generating my initial idea to create an interface that helps energy consumption in homes. The idea was to help users turn off or become aware of energy that is being used un-necessarily and make tips on saving energy more known.

I was thinking of creating an idea here were the amount of energy used would reflect in a reward or punishment system, that coincides with the users shaver if you save enough energy for the week you can shave if you don't you cant. Therefore your neighbors can see if your are saving energy by the length of your beard.
Here i brainstormed up a couple of ideas that would maybe work more user friendly and they all reach a different target audience. The first idea was making a social networking group or activities for children that they access on the internet. This would be an educational, but also fun tool that they can make tree houses which relates to there energy usage and the bigger tree house the better energy consumption.

The second idea was making an interface that monitors the power usage of a house, which can limit or increase the amount of fuel used in a car of the household. This idea creates two types of energy consumption, but lacks greater detail and needs alot of figuring out.

The third idea was my favorite as it was the reflection of energy consumption within the home by a piece of electronic artwork. The artwork would have to connected to the lighting of the house and gives the user an experience at the same time as it changes with energy consumption.